Matrix Reimprinting (Traumatherapie)

Matrix Reimprinting ermöglicht uns in vergangene Erinnerungen zurückzugehen und negative Ladungen und Energien aus vergangenen traumatischen Ereignissen zu klären.
Diese traumatischen Ereignisse stammen von negativen oder falschen Grundüberzeugungen, die uns meistens nicht einmal bewusst sind, die uns jedoch das ganze Leben hindurch negativ beeinflussen.

Unsere Grundüberzeugungen werden bereits bis zum 7. Lebensjahr geformt. Wir ziehen in unserem Leben immer wieder Erfahrungen an, die diese Überzeugungen bestätigen und verstärken. Egal wie sehr wir uns bemühen, etwas zu ändern oder uns davon zu befreien, wie z. B. Ängste, Selbstzweifel, Schuldgefühle usw. ....., diese Grundüberzeugung bleibt dennoch in unserem Unterbewusstsein vergraben und blockiert unser Gefühl des Glücks, des Friedens und des Erfolges in unserem erwachsenen Leben.                                                                                        
Durch die Anwendung von MR wird der Klient in eine vergangene traumatische Erinnerung geführt und ist in der Lage, neue Ressourcen einzubringen und zu erschaffen. Dabei wird gleichzeitig leicht auf verschiedene Akupressurpunkte am Kopf, im Gesicht und an den Händen von dem Therapeuten geklopft. Das alte negative Bild und die alte negative Programmierung wird dadurch verändert. Durch die Veränderung des alten Bildes und der Programmierung findet sowohl eine körperliche als auch emotionale Heilung statt. Das Ergebnis sind neue positive Wahrnehmungen und Erfahrungen.

Mit MR werden alte negative Grundüberzeugungen und Programmierungen in positive Grundüberzeugungen und Programmierungen umgewandelt. Die negative Wahrnehmung vergangener Erinnerungen werden umschrieben. Der Klient kann sich endlich aus den Fesseln der Vergangenheit befreien, die andernfalls einen negativen Einfluss auf die Gegenwart, die Zukunft und auf die nächste Generation haben würde.
Sobald sich unsere tiefliegenden Grundüberzeugungen verändern, verändert sich auch unser Energiefeld und unsere Wahrnehmung. Wir fangen an, Positives in unserem Leben anzuziehen. Endlich können wir Glück, Erfolg und Frieden erfahren.

Bei verschiedenen körperlichen und emotionalen Problemen bietet MR positive Ergebnisse. MR wird auch eingesetzt, um Ziele und Träume zu manifestieren.
MR ist eine Technik, die sehr wirkungsvolle Ergebnisse bringen kann.



I have done 2 very successful sessions with Ling Yee. In the beginning, I expected more talking but was relieved to find out that talking wasn’t a key part of this session. I initially wanted to work on my anger and the death of my mother because I feel angry often ended up getting into fights. I also suffered a few minor panic attacks. I was very nervous before the first session but Ling Yee helped me settle and feel more comfortable. Afterwards I felt really at ease and more positive. I haven’t gotten angry over little things like I used too since the two sessions. These sessions with ling Yee also opened my eyes to how an incident from the past, which may seem small now but could have a major effect on life. Ling Yee was also very good at showing me the Meridian points to help me if I got another panic attack, which I haven’t since these sessions. 
Conor Stokes, 17 years old

I suffer from Fibromyalgia for the last 20 yrs. One of my issues with it is the intense and constant muscle pain. When i visited Ling Yee for a session, I had a very sore area around my left shoulder. To be honest, I wasn't entirely expecting this to work. I decided to give this method a try. I followed Ling Yee's instructions of tapping various energy points and repeating what she said whilst tapping. 
After feeling a bit silly, I realized that the pain in my left shoulder had eased.
By the time my session had finished the pain had gone completely and I had full range of motion without any twinges. I am now 2 months on from the treatment and still pain free! I would strongly advise seeing Ling Yee and approach the session with an open mind.
Mrs J Leiper

I didn’t know what to expect. However, I was surprised at how you were able to swiftly move from one core issue to another with the greatest of ease and precision. I felt very comfortable with you and your method of locating the issues very quickly. After the session, I felt relaxed and at ease and felt that I had released and resolved unconscious issues. I was so at ease with the process and enjoyed it so much, that I have decided to book 2 more sessions to work on other areas of my life. I felt nurtured and safe the whole time you were working your gift through me. Thank you"
Aldo Privileggi, Hypnotherapist

My deepest gratitude for the distance/remote healing session you did for my father (in Romania) Ling-Yee. It was a miracle from my point of view. After over a year of very poor sleep, stress and emotional trauma related to my mom’s struggle to regain her health, my father became a different person. He was tired all the time, had difficulties concentrating, he was even confused sometimes. I witnessed for months his waves of anxiety and fear, anger, irritability, mood swings, self-blame, guilt, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and even disconnection.  After your session even though he had to wake up a few extra times that night for my mom, he was almost joyful in the morning. There was no trace of negativity and his doom attitude was gone. He was calm, articulate, more empowered, more optimistic and being able to focus at what he can successfully do that day. Even the panic for all sorts of issues was gone. I was so moved, I got my father back! And that was a miracle for which I can’t thank you enough