Aromatherapie- und Gesundheitsberatung

Aromatherapie – und Gesundheitsberatung

Während der Beratung wird die Ursache des Unwohlseins der Person herausgefunden und näher angeschaut. Wenn die Ursache nicht behandelt wird, können Symptome leider nur kurzfristig mit bestimmten Mitteln unterdrückt werden.

Das ganze Körpersystem wird wieder in ein Gleichgewicht gebracht und ihre natürlichen Selbstheilungskräfte werden aktiviert. Leichtigkeit, Wohlgefühl und Lebensfreude können im Leben wieder wahr genommen werden.

 Eine Aromatherapie – und Gesundheitsberatung ist hilfreich, wenn Sie

  • ein körperliches, psychosomatisches oder psychisches Anliegen haben, das sie auf dem natürlichen Weg behandeln möchten
  • ihre Selbstheilungskräfte stärken möchten, um ihre Symptome zu reduzieren oder zu eliminieren
  • etwas für ihre Gesundheitsvorsorge tun möchten

Die Aromatherapie – und Gesundheitsberatung beinhaltet

  • ein 60 Minuten Gespräch
  • ein Nachgespräch von 15 Minuten
  • eine Zusammenfassung und Vorschläge im Bereich Ernährung, Lifestyle, Methoden und Anleitungen für zu Hause, um Symptome zu reduzieren/eliminieren (wird innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Gespräch zugeschickt)
  • eine angepaßte individuelle Ölmischung und Anwendung

(Beratung ist telefonisch oder über Skype möglich)

Kosten: Euro 135

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um eine Leistung handelt, die sich auf Prävention und auf die Steigerung ihres Wohlbefindens ausrichtet. 



I personally started using Ling Yee's product in 2013. They were recommended by my sister, who is also using her products. We started off using a few of her blends like Cold & Flu, Uplift Immune System and Calming.  We loved them since the beginning! Then I started to go for some "tailor-made" blends for my skin problem, e.g. Eczema, rashes, allergy, etc. and also some products for my face and body.  They all worked very well on me and the quality of her oil is excellent!
Ling Yee not only sells her products, but she is also a very caring and professional aromatherapist. Her after sales service is wonderful and she makes sure the blends are working well on you.   
I highly recommend her products to you!
Her loyal customer,
Karen Y.

I love all of Ling Yee’s products and have been a faithful customer for years. Her essential oils are of superb quality that can’t be found anywhere else and all her blends are not just natural and effective, but also tailored and personalized to your needs. I especially love her anti-aging face oil, which makes the skin feels supple and smooth and her anti-allergy blends, which is essential for allergy relief in Hong Kong's polluted and dusty environment. Her skincare blends are much more authentic, effective, and pure than most "natural" brands out there, and I highly recommend them.
我丈夫長期有偏頭痛,有看西醫,中醫,針灸等都不能醫治突如其來的頭痛, 只能食止痛藥。但他都覺得不能服食太多止痛藥因為份量好似要越食越多。偶然之下認識了LING YEE 的治療香薰油。LING YEE 不是任意混合的, 她問了很多關於我先生的頭痛症狀,深入了解後便調配了一支很個人化的香薰油給他塗楂。竟然我先生用後説這支香薫油大大舒緩他的偏頭痛,雖不是完全治癒但他的頭痛得到舒缓而不雖吃止痛藥巳經很好了!之後我再用埋 Flu & cold 香薰油及 for relaxation 嘅香薫油都覺得很舒服!我本人也曾用開其它在商店購買的香薰油,但因家也有小朋友所以我不想用一些不純正及我不了解的香薰油。我覺得由一位專業香薰治癒師為我調配合適我及我家人的個人化純天然香薰油較為化算,因為真可解決丈夫的問題及發揮到香薰油的效用!直得推薦!希望LING YEE 能夠幫到更多有雖要的人!
Wendy L.
I have contacted Ling Yee many times to help with various things, such as a persistent cough or even cleaning the house, and every time Ling Yee has responded quickly and given me useful advise.  Her products are really effective and as a bonus smell great!  Many thanks Ling Yee for helping me, I would definitely recommend her and say give her a try!
Yo Lan
I have used Ling Yee's products on several occasions and they are indeed little life savers. The hay fever pocket inhaler is easily to use and helped immediately clearing my nose during allergy seasons.
Thank you, Ling Yee!
Thank you Ling Yee for your wonderful aromatherapy products.  We appreciated your prompt and kind service.  Our diffuser and aroma inhaler arrived two days ago and our daughter already reports sleeping better with no nightmares, and found using her inhaler during the day helped her through a particularly stressful day. Thank you and best wishes!

I was pleasantly surprised with Ling Yee’s Aromatherapy face oil. Usually, I find face oils a bit too oily for my liking, but Ling Yee’s Aromatherapy face oil feels light yet nourishing on my skin and has the most delicate scent. My skin has definitely become softer after I have started using it and I will definitely be coming back for more. The foot oil and body oil are the best products I have been able to find for my dry skin and the inhalers have helped clear my sensitive nose during cold and allergy seasons. All the product smell wonderfully and have become little life savers for me.
I also can’t praise Ling Yee’s room spray enough! My personal favorite is the “Cinnamon & Pine” which reminds me of Christmas and which seems to improve my nasal allergy when I use it before going to bed.
Marie Kleist

I am new to aromatherapy and I was looking for some natural cough and cold remedy. Ling Yee was immediately there to advise me and  provided me with her blends. I am using the cold & flu blend for my baby, my husband and myself and so far it really worked on us getting rid of the cold much faster. 
I can highly recommend Ling Yee as an aromatherapist. She is not just selling the oils but takes the time to explain their effect and answers all your questions. Also, she gives you some tips for a healthier lifestyle.  She has a warm and very positive personality and will try to help you in any situation.

Like most women, I fear ageing so when I received aromatherapy's equivalent of the fountain of youth as a birthday present, I was only too happy to incorporate it as part of my daily skincare routine. This revitalizing facial oil was the perfect antidote to my quest for youthful looking skin and banishment of fine lines. Fused with delicate uplifting notes of various essential oils was purifying, moisturizing and protecting with visible results.
This restorative massage oil brimming with antioxidants is as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body.  Not only did it hydrate and soften my skin, correct my digestive imbalances, and invigorate my blood circulation, the aromatic scents of rosemary and sweet fennel instilled a sense of clarity and balance. One can't help sense the understanding of medicinal properties and the passion the creator Ling Yee has infused into each droplet.
Lisa Kirkpatrick

First, I was a bit skeptical to use oil for the face as I have a very sensitive skin and I was afraid it might be too heavy. But after applying Ling Yee’s face oil it instantly felt like a little SPA treatment at home. It's absorbed quickly and makes my skin feel so soft. And it is all natural. I love it!
Verena Senksis,

I like the smell of Ling Yee’s Aromatherapy Baby Massage oil but mostly I really liked how the baby reacted. Leon is not a difficult baby so he doesn't cry a lot but he seemed more alert after his bath and the massage with the oil. I can give massages to my baby very quickly as there is not as much surface area!  As for the oils, I did use a bit more than I should have probably ... I shook the bottle down and just warmed it up lots of drops in my palms, and he liked it. If he fussed, as soon as I touched him, he would stop and it is really nice.
For the facial oils, I actually take it with me on travels too. The small size of the jar is practical and easy to take and whenever I need it, I can dab a bit on both my cheeks and my face knowing it's super good for my skin. I think good facial oils are great to have it handy.  It's pure and smell so wonderful it also lifts up my mood instantly.
Ellen Seinaye
Our family has a long history with problems of stretch marks and no matter what oil/cream or lotions we used, nothing worked out. One day my friend introduced me to Ling Yee and I told her about my pregnancy and being afraid of having lots of stretch marks. She told me not to worry and that she can help me with a very nice oil. I hesitated at the beginning and thought not another oil! But then why not try, it cannot harm. I started using it when I was 5 months pregnant until the little one was born. I don’t regret buying the oil at all, my body shows no signs of any stretch marks. Ling Yee's oil was fantastic and I will highly recommend it to my family and friends.
Claire Lam
Ling Yee's nasal travel campaign oils travels with me around the globe and helps my breathing immensely. I use to have either very dry or stuff up nose depending on the situation now after inhaling on the flight and on arrival my nasal passages are free and breathing is much easier. The oils help to relax and make me feel I'm in the middle of an Australia Eucalyptus forest with lush greens being rustled by the wind. This energizes me. I'm ready to do business once landed or just being fully aware of my surroundings to completely enjoy my private time. Thank you for your help Ling Yee, it makes traveling even more exciting but also very convenient.
Sara Janine Thorley

I usually have problems with my skin being too dry or too oily but after using Ling Yee’s Custom Made Face Oil, I have to say that the problem disappeared. Even using her face oil, my face feels moisturized and nourished without the feeling of oiliness. It is definitely a skin care product I can recommend to every person who is concerned about having a good quality skin.
Arienne Rossi
My 3 years old son suffers from Asthma and catches colds very easily. During the night he also suffers from Sinus problems. After using Ling Yee’s Aromatherapy Cold & Flu Rub, before bedtime it has helped him to sleep without difficulties throughout the night.
My 8 years old daughter suffers from Sinusitis. After using Ling Yee’s inhaler she was able to sleep through the night. Now she has the inhaler on her bedside table for emergencies, she loves it. She hasn’t had any sleepless nights since using it.
I myself suffer from sinusitis and I use Ling Yee’s inhaler everyday when I feel that my sinus headache is coming on or when I have breathing difficulties due to Asthma.  The most difficult time for me is being on a plane. Usually, I end up sick after long flights but since I started to use Ling Yee’s Sinus inhaler, I haven’t got sick after traveling. It is a great relief!
Christian Keith
Ling Yee´s facial oil, specially blended for my dry skin really helps to soften my skin. It gives me a great feeling of comfort and even smoothens the appearance of some skin irritation I do get very often. The all-over appearance of my skin has changed to be fresher and healthier.
The body oil blend she made for my eczema also made my eczema goes away in the shortest time. Nowadays, I pay a lot of attention to my skin care products, also in aspect to its origin. With Ling Yee´s oils I do know that she uses only the best quality ones. Besides all the positive effect on my skin, it is a pleasure to relax and enjoy the beautiful smell of all the selected oils.
Renate Kleemair
I am just starting out using essential oils and love their therapeutic value. Few weeks ago, I noticed I was having pain and discomfort in my chest, and that's when I used Ling Yee’s oil. Within 12 hours I was fine and there was no pain anymore. I am convinced there are truly therapeutic values in it. I also use her face oil in my daily skincare routine now (especially before going to sleep) and I love the nourishing effect it has, plus the wonderful smell! Your essential oils are great and the service efficient &wonderful! Wish you all the best in your business!
Aurelie Touzard